Start Bartending with

We spent hours looking for names to kick off this site. Sometimes it’s the simplest options that are the best and after bouncing ideas off of friends and family… is what resonated the most. After all, the whole point of this site is to get people behind the bar making cocktails.

Quality Takes Time to Perfect

We have been working on this site and program for a few months now. COVID-19 has really slowed down the world, affecting almost all industries. Education has taken a particularly large hit as well. Schools have had to shut down, or move their classes online. Fine Art Bartending in Vancouver also had to board up the windows for a few months. Typically they run classes 6 days a week, but with an extended shutdown it gave us a chance to set up some camera equipment and get some great footage over many weeks. Now with COVID restrictions easing, Fine Art Bartending has been able to open their doors at 50% capacity, which we hope will be sufficient to keep them going until a sense of normalcy returns.

Experience is Key

Staggering Media is the talent behind the camera and editing. Many of their clientele postponed projects until some certainty returned. With this gap in their schedule, this was the perfect opportunity to take both their video and editing skills to create the most comprehensive and accessible online bartending course out there on the web.

Gal drinks cocktail from

More To Come!

We have put together the foundations of a great online bartending course. Bartending is an evolving industry. New cocktails are always being created, or revived. Our goal at is to keep the information in this course both current and relevant to anyone wanting to know more about how to get behind the bar and start making money! Bartending is a whole lot of fun, and if you can make a few dollars while being creative… that’s what we want to share.

Head out to a pub, bar or restaurant. Pull up a seat at the bar. Order yourself a cocktail and watch that bartender. You’ll see there is a whole lot going on back there. That’s what we want to share with you.

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